Thursday, January 25, 2024

Understanding What The OpenRarity Standard Is

When it comes to trading and investing in non-fungible tokens (NFTs), it’s important to understand what you’re dealing with. An NFT is like purchasing a piece of art, but instead of buying the actual painting or sculpture, you’re purchasing what amounts to a certificate of authenticity and proof of ownership in one.

NFTs are usually digital files that contain media like images or videos. When you purchase an NFT, you’re not purchasing an original piece of media that no one else has access to. Instead, you’re staking a claim of ownership over the original file, and even if someone makes a copy of your NFT, you own the actual file as evidenced by your purchase being noted on a blockchain.

Seeking Out Rare NFTs

For many traders and investors, searching for rare NFTs is a popular pastime and a smart investing strategy. Purchasing a rare NFT is much like purchasing a rare piece of art in that the value will likely go up in time due to the scarcity of the NFT.

To find rare NFTs, you might use the OpenRarity standard. This is an open standard used to show the rarity ranking of an NFT in a collection. It is transparent, meaning it provides security in the data OpenRarity delivers. In other words, you can put faith in the ranking data provided through OpenRarity.

How to Find Rarity Rankings?

To find rarity rankings, you’ll want to look for a site using the best NFT Rarity API. This means looking for an API that has been integrated with a site you’re familiar with and that is updated in real-time. The best NFT Rarity API will also utilize OpenRarity instead of a third-party data collection solution.

These kinds of APIs should instill confidence that you’re receiving accurate data that has not been tampered with. Then again, using the OpenRarity standard means it’s very difficult for data to be forged or altered without anyone finding out.

Disclaimer: The above is not investing advice. Always talk with a financial advisor before investing in any type of NFT or cryptocurrency technology.

Read a similar article about NFT wallet value here at this page.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Empowering Personal AI Agents with NFT-Powered Data Ownership

In the rapidly evolving landscape of emerging technologies, the convergence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and artificial intelligence (AI) agents holds immense potential to revolutionize user experiences and redefine the way we interact with the digital world read more

What is QuickNode NFT API?

QuickNode is a decentralized node provider that offers developers big and small scalable blockchain infrastructure. It's the ultimate platform for web3 developers, paving the way to high-performance and reliable decentralized apps (dApps) and web3 products.

The QuickNode API provides access to over 25 chains. These include Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Bitcoin networks and more. That access helps developers and businesses build and launch powerful blockchain-based applications. Best of all, it's scalable and promises impeccable performance. Superfast access is possible thanks to the globally balanced infrastructure.

About the QuickNode Enterprise-Level Infrastructure

The magic behind QuickNode is its infrastructure. Every QuickNode NFT API endpoint sits in a global network of nodes. The nodes are distributed throughout the world across more than ten different regions. The infrastructure is geo-balanced for greater efficiency and better performance. It's also highly available, auto-scaling and multi-cloud.

The distribution of the network also improves reliability. It's spread across more than five cloud and bare-metal providers. They're on the east and west coasts of the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Singapore, Japan and India. QuickNode has automatic failover for network resilience, ensuring that issues don't affect performance.

Whenever a request comes to your NFT QuickNode API endpoint, it goes to the nearest node cluster. It uses an intelligent routing process based on the sender's IP address. This strategic routing guarantees the lowest latency possible.

There are also internal monitoring systems to maintain node health and auto-scaling to meet any demand.

Notable Features of QuickNode NFT API

QuickNode provides full documentation about the NFT API to help developers learn about its potential.

The API also comes with powerful features like built-in analytics. Monitor the performance of your node and get detailed metrics about call/pull requests.

If you're worried about security, the API offers great control to keep you safe. Lockdown or open up your endpoints as often as necessary. It's also SOC2-certified.

With QuickNode, you can also access ERC-20 data instantly, get quick alerts for on-chain events, shop for add-ons to streamline your development process, manage data on the IPFS network and more.

Read a similar article about NFT API for floor prices here at this page.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Guide to Creating a Great NFT Marketplace Strategy

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have proven to be a lucrative investment for some people, and speculators continue to buy and sell NFTs every single day. If you’re considering getting into an NFT marketplace, it would be a good idea to have a strategy in mind first. A sound marketplace strategy for selling NFTs will help you get in front of the right buyers faster and more efficiently.

Below are some steps you can take to create a great NFT marketplace strategy:

1. Learn About Exchanges

NFT exchanges are places where NFTs are bought and sold online. Look for a site that uses an NFT API for marketplaces since these tools can help buy and sell faster.

An NFT API for marketplaces is a piece of code that utilizes code from other sites. A marketplace website that uses APIs can leverage purpose-built selling tools from other developers without requiring buyers and sellers to leave the marketplace website.

2. Use Video Marketing

Video is one of the best ways to sell NFTs because it allows sellers to show and tell about the NFTs they have listed in a marketplace. Within your video marketing content, you can tell the story of the NFTs you’re selling, explain the value and deeper meaning behind NFTs and show off your personality as a seller.

Many video-sharing platforms allow sellers to utilize SEO techniques to attract buyers as well. When you combine SEO and video marketing, you’re more likely to get in front of the right buyers faster.

3. Use Email Marketing

It would also be a good idea to use email marketing to reach potential buyers. Start by collecting the email addresses of potential buyers. Create a weekly or monthly newsletter detailing all the NFTs you have for sale, but also include information about upcoming sales as well.

You should also include helpful, informative content for NFT enthusiasts in your newsletter to entice subscribers. Even if someone isn’t in the market to make a purchase right now, keeping subscribers engaged means you may reach the right person at a future date.

Experience the future of digital assets – Access our NFT API today!

Understanding What The OpenRarity Standard Is

When it comes to trading and investing in non-fungible tokens (NFTs), it’s important to understand what you’re dealing with. An NFT is like ...